SICI SSTSG 2016-17 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant : Shastri Indo Canadian Institute

Organization : The Shastri Indo Canadian Institute
Scholarship Name : SSTSG 2016-17 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant
Applicable For : Citizens or permanent residents of India or Canada
Applicable State : 15 October 2016

Website :
Application Form :

Travel Subsidy Grant :

The Shastri Indo Canadian Institute is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2016-17 for the scholars of its Canadian Member Institutions.

SICI SRSF 2017-18 Shastri Research Student Fellowship :

SSTSG assists faculty members including graduate and post graduate students with travel subsidies to participate in conferences, workshops, seminars and academic meetings in India or Canada with a view to establishing institutional and scholarly linkages.

The Shastri Institute will provide up to CAD$1,000 to support the scholar’s international air fare (economy class).** ** Associated costs related to visas, meals, per diem and accommodation are not eligible under this grant.*

Number of Awards: 10 (ten)

The SSTSG award must be fully utilized between 15 November 2016 – 30 September 2017.

** Applicant must be a member of SICI’s Canadian Members Council (CMC) Institution (in good standing in 2016-17). While the SSTSG applicant must be a Canadian scholar, if selected, the SSTSG fund may be used either for the Canadian scholar’s own travel to India or to bring an Indian faculty or student in his/her Canadian campus/event.
** Grants can be used for Canadian scholars for travel to India and Indian scholars for travel to Canada.
** Applicants must have been invited to participate by an academic institution and be affiliated with, or travelling to a Shastri Institute member institution. For a current list of member institutions please click here: (
** Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of India or Canada.

Application Requirements:
Please submit before the application Last Date your completed electronic application form to Shastri Institute’s Canada Office at along with the following documents:

Required Documents:
** Curriculum Vitae (not more than three pages) of the lead Canadian applicant and of the Indian scholar (where the SSTSG will be used for visiting of an Indian scholar to Canada);
** Letter of invitation from the host institution/organization;
** Proof of residency or citizenship of India or Canada (Copy of Passport or Permanent Resident Card). This document to be submitted for the lead Canadian applicant and for Indian scholar (where the SSTSG will be used for visiting of an Indian scholar to Canada).

Disbursement of Funds:
** Subject to availability of funding, selected SSTSG awardees will be reimbursed with approved travel grant to use for scholarly travel w.e.f. 15 November 2016 to 30 September 2017.
** However, the SSTSG fund will be released to the scholar only upon receipt and acceptance of the final report by the Institute, following completion of the scholar’s proposed visit.

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