2016-17 Maulana Azad National Scholarship Online Application : Education Foundation

Organization : Maulana Azad Education Foundation
Scholarship Name : Maulana Azad National Scholarship 2016-17
Applicable For : Girl Students Belonging To Minorities
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Online Registration Dates : 1st October, 2016 to 15th November, 2016
Application Last Date : 30th November, 2016

Website :
Notification :

Maulana Azad National Scholarship:

1. Maulana Azad Education Foundation is providing Maulana Azad National Scholarship of Rs. 12,000/- each (6,000/- in XI & 6,000/- in XII) to meritorious girl students belonging to the six notified minority communities (i.e. Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Parsi, and Jain). Students, who have passed Class-X in 2016 with at least 55% marks, have confirmed admission in Class 11th and whose parent’s annual total income from all resources is less than Rupees One Lakh.

Related / Similar Post : MAEF View/Print Scholarship Application 2016-17

2. The timeline activities for fresh Application of scholarship under the Maulana Azad National Scholarship Scheme for the current financial year 2016-17 are as under

** Online Registration of students 1st October, 2016 to 15th November, 2016
** Last date for receipt of printed application forms with relevant documents in the office of MAEF 30th November, 2016

3. The students may refer to the Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) available on the website of MAEF for filling up of Online Application. Applicants are also advised to take print–out of the duly filled-in application forms and get the same verified by the Head of the Institution in the prescribed form and along with relevant documents and the verification form should be submitted to the office of MAEF by speed post to be addressed to

Send To:
Tthe Secretary,
Maulana Azad Education Foundation,
Maulana Azad Campus,
Opposite New Delhi Railway Station (Paharganj side),
New Delhi-110055.

The duly verified application must reach the Foundation by 30th November, 2016. Incomplete application forms as well as those received after due date would be rejected summarily.

4. Scholarship is strictly based on the marks obtained in 10th class and quota fixed for each state based on minority population.
5. Scholarship amount is directly sent to the bank account of the successful applicant by the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).
6. There is no fees/charges for either online application form or for any other service in this regard.
7. The Maulana Azad Education Foundation has no branch or authorised offices/agency anywhere in India for this purpose.

The Students who have already submitted their application Offline or Online are requested to re-submit their applications, as per revised online format.

About Maulana Azad Education Foundation :
The Foundation was established on the occasion of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s birth centenary celebrations. His eventful life was packed with outstanding achievements in the diverse fields. He was towering figure on the Indian political scene and a scholar rated high in the realms of Urdu Literature.

To this, he added a trend-setting innings as a journalist. But his greatest claim to fame was his contribution as a thinker with a world vision and humanist outlook. A dogged freedom fighter and an un-failing upholder of secular and democratic values.

View Comments (34)

  • Meri first installment 6000/ 2015-16 m aaye the but second installment abhi tk nhi aayi esa q?

  • I have received first installment and but didn't receive the second one. Its been 4 years. No reply from the authority

  • I am studying 10th now and got 80% in 9th, what can I do to get this scholarship?

  • I got the scholarship amount of Rs.6000/- for the year of 2016-17 in my 1st installment. When will the 2nd installment come?

  • I have applied for scholarship in the year 2016. Registration number is 1607KAR753. I have not received any amount of scholarship on same, Kindly let me know the status of my scholarship why have I not received yet. I am waiting for your

  • I got first installment. When will the second installment be come? and what is the last date of receipt of second installment form 2016-2017. What should I do now? I really need this.

  • I have got my first installment of Rs.6000/- in 2015-2016 but my second installment is in pending, When it will be come.

  • I am a student of second PUC now and I have applied for scholarship in 10th standard. I have scored 82.3% and I have applied scholarship on 21-09-2017. I didn't even get my first installment. So kindly do the needful.

  • I had applied for maef scholarship. My registration number is 1610TN0022541. I did not got scholarship still. My mark is 8.5. Can I get scholarship?

  • I have applied for the girls scholarship scheme of MAEF. How should I check the status of my application form? and how can I understand whether my application form is received by the MAEF foundation or not?

  • I haven't got my 1st installment of MAEF 2016-17 yet as I have got 10cgpa in 10th grade. I am expecting it to get.
    So can I apply for renewal for 2nd installment?

  • I had filled up form of maef in 2016. I got Rs.6000/- in 1 installment. When will the second installment come?

  • I am studying I year. I don't get second installment of Maulana Azad foundation scholarships for 2017 yet now. What should I do now? I really need this.

    • I got my scholarship Rs 6000/- for the year of 2016-17. How can I get current year scholarship?

      • Information available from the Official Website :

        The Scholarship is given to student passing Xth exam and taking admission in XIth in the year when result of Xth exam is declared. Application received in subsequent years will not be entertained.

  • I have passed 10th exam with 74% marks. I want to apply for MAEF scholarship for the year 2017-18.

    • Scholarship is strictly based on the marks obtained in 10th class and quota fixed for each state based on minority population.
      Information as provided in the official website of Maulana Azad Education Foundation. © 2022

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