Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBC Students 2016-17 Odisha : Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare

Organisation : Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Pre-Matric Scholarship 2016-17
Applicable For : OBC/SEBC students
Applicable State : Odisha

Notification :
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Advertisement on Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC / SEBC students for 2016-17

Update : SC/CT Odisha Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC/SEBC Students 2018-19 :

Pre Matric Scholarships for OBC students : (CS: Rs. 157.00 lakh)
A provision of Rs. 157.00 has been proposed for payment of Pre Matric Scholarship to OBC students towards state share (50:50) and equivalent amount towards Central share in the Annual Plan 2013-2014.

Economic Development of Other Backward classes : (Rs.20.00 lakh)
This scheme is meant for economic development of other backward classes in the state for financing various income generating schemes.

Under this scheme, the Other Backward Classes Finance and Development Co-operative Corporation (OBCFDCC) is supported by providing the matching contribution of the State Govt. @ 10% to avail finance from National backward classes finance development corporation (NBCFDC) for the development of OBCs. The State Govt. provides matching share against funds released by NBCFDC.

The scheme is executed by the OBCFDCC. During the current year 2007-08, no fund has so far been released by the NBCFDC for implementation of this scheme. However, a token provision of Rs. 0.01 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2013-2014 for continuance of this scheme.

The Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Scheduled Castes (SC) population together constitute nearly two fifths of Orissa’s total population.

According to 2011 census, the State has the Scheduled Tribes population of 95.91 lakh and Scheduled castes population of 71.88 lakh constituting 22.85% and 17.13% respectively of the total population of the State.

The Scheduled Areas constitute 69,614 sq. Kms out of the total geographical area of 1,55,707 sq. Kms of the State. There are 118 TD blocks included in the Scheduled areas in 12 districts. Besides, there are 46 MADA and 14 Cluster pockets.

There are 62 tribal communities in the State including 13 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG). The Scheduled Tribes of Orissa constitute 9.66% of the country’s tribal population.

The State Government is increasingly concerned for all-round development of STs, SCs, Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Minorities in the State and keen to implement the schemes meant for these vulnerable classes of the society for bringing them at par with others.

Broad Objectives :
The broad objectives of welfare of ST, SC, OBC and Minorities are as under:
** Raising socio- economic condition of the ST, SC, and OBC & Minorities.
** Reducing poverty.
** Bringing to mainstream ST, SC, OBC & Minorities, and enabling them to participate in the development process in an equitable manner.
** Developing critical infrastructure in Scheduled Areas.
** Increasing their access to education, health, housing and other services.
** Creating / increasing opportunities for their self – employment / wage employment.
** Securing their rights over forests and lands.

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