IITBHU Top Class Education Scheme For SC Students 2016-17 : IIT Banaras Hindu University

Organization : Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Scholarship Name : Top Class Education Scheme For SC Students 2016-17
Applicable For : SC Students
Application Last Date : 31st October, 2016

Website : https://www.iitbhu.ac.in/
Apply Online : http://scholarships.gov.in/

Scholarships/Financial Assistance:

The Institute offers Merit-cum-Means scholarships to 25% undergraduate students. Besides, there are several endowment scholarships offered by the Institute.

Related : IIT BHU Scholarships For UGD/IDD/IMD Students

Some other facilities are also provided to the undergraduate students in the form of Institute free studentship, scholarship, re-imbursement of mess charges and pocket allowances to the students belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

All the students (non-sponsored) admitted to M.Tech./M.Pharm. programmes are provided financial Assistance equivalent to the Junior Research Fellowships.

The Institute offers a large number of Junior/Senior Research Fellowships to students admitted to Ph.D. programmes. Efforts are being made to offer scholarships to all eligible candidates admitted to Ph.D. Programmes.

Top Class Education Scheme :
1. The Scheme of Top Class Education for SC students has been selected for implementation through NSP.
2. In this regard it is emphasized here that in 2016-17, all proposals of Scholarships under the Scheme, including both fresh & renewal, are to be forwarded to the Department of SJ& E through NSP.
3. For the grant of Scholarship(for fresh batch of students) the procedure to be adopted and the set of instructions may be seen at Annexure – A
4. Candidates are to be selected for grant of Scholarship as per the the slots available to the Institute under the Scheme. The online applications must be forwarded by the Institutes to this Department by 31st October, 2016. No. application for the grant of Scholarship would be entertained without Aadhaar number and the number should also be seeded with the bank account of the beneficiaries.
5. In case of any querriesfrom the ministry, mail can be sent at the following mail ID dbtcell.msje@nic.in

a. The Student has to obtain/enroll for the Aadhaar number (if not obtained earlier)
b. Get the Aadhaar number seeded with his/her respective bank account.
c. Students shortlisted by the Institute must register on the National Scholarship Portal and apply for the scholarship, filling details in the common application form on the portal and obtain ID No.
d. Submit the Caste and Income Certificates with the authorities of the Institute for verification.
e. The students can know the status of their applications by quoting their ID No. on the portal.

About us :
Admission to Four-Year B.Tech. programmes and Five-Year Dual Degree (IDD) Progammes are made through the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) conducted jointly by the IITs.

Admission to Two-Year M.Tech./M.Pharm. Programmes is made on the basis of GATE/GPAT Score. In addition, there is provision of admitting sponsored candidates from academic institutions, industries and R&D organizations.

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