Telangana ePASS Scholarship Print Application / Acknowledgement

Organisation : Government of Telangana ePASS Portal Welfare Department
Type of Facility : Scholarship Print Application / Acknowledgement
Applicable State : Telangana

Print Application / Acknowledgement here :

Print Application / Acknowledgement

i) Enter SSC Examination Number
ii) Enter Year of Pass (YYYY)
iii) Select Academic Year

Related / Similar Post :
Telangana ePass Scholarship Check Application Status & Number

iv) Enter SSC Pass Type
v) Enter Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY)
vi) Click on “Get Details” Button

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Masab Tank

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Students Eligible

** Students who belong to the categories of SC,ST whose annual parental income is Rs. Two Lakhs or below and BC,EBC,Disabled Welfare Students whose parental income is RS. One lakh or below.
** Students whose attendance is 75% at the end of each quarter.

Students not Eligible :
** Students belonging to the categories other than SC, ST, BC, EBC and DW(Disabled).
** SC,ST Students whose annual parental income is more than Rs. Two Lakhs and BC,EBC,Disabled Students whose parental income is more than Rupees One lakh.
** All Students pursuing the part time courses, online courses.
** Students admitted under Sponsored seats, Management Quota seats.
** Students drawing the stipend more than the scholarship amount in aggregate per annum.
** Students of BC, EBC and DW students studying the Courses offered by open universities, distant mode, category B seats in MBBS, BDS.
** EBC students studying Intermediate or equivalent courses


Bank Account :
Question 1: Why should I get a bank account??
Answer : To receive a scholarship, every student must have a bank account in any of the nationalised scheduled banks.

Question 2: How do I change my bank account from the one that is registered on the epass website?
Answer :
Every student or college who desires to change his bank account to the one given on the website will have to submit the original bank documents with account particulars to the concerned welfare officers who can then submit a change request to the PMU.

Where colleges want to change thier bank account they wil have to furnish a no objection certificate from the exisiting bank and a no objectiion from the new bank for making a change request for the bank account

Student Registration :
Question 1: Can I register after the last date??
Answer: unless the date for registration has been extended you cannot register as the epass portal will not allow you to register. Please register in time to avoid dissappointment!

Verification :
Question1: what is the meaning of verification in the scholarship process?
The process of verification is essentially meant to check whether the particulars given in the scholarship form are correct as per the documents enclosed. The verification is done in two steps namely college verification and Independent verification.

College Verficiation: In this verification, the college prinicipal has been mandated to verify the documents furnished by each student with the entry made in the application form. Once the verification is completed and all entries are ound correct, he would finally sign the same and send it to the department for verification by the verification officer appointed by the District Collector

Verification by the Verification Officer: the verification officer appointed by the District Collector will conduct physical and documentary verification and submit his report either accepting or rejecting the scholarship application.

Scrutiny by the Welffare Officer: before each and every application is taken up for sanction it is the responsibility of the welfare officer to satisfy himself of the verification by the college prinicpal and the verification officer and finally sanction the scholarship.

Categories Telangana

View Comments (3)

  • After applied to scholarship while taking acknowledgement print my web page was closed. Now I don't have acknowledgement print is it affect my scholarship?? Please reply © 2022

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