2016-17 Post Matric Scholarship For SC Students Delhi : SC/ST/OBC Welfare

Organization : Department for Welfare of SC/ST/OBC (
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarship 2016-17
Applicable For : SC Students
Applicable State/UT : Delhi (NCT)
Application Last Date : 31.10.2016
Website :
Notification :

Post Matric Scholarship Scheme

Applications are invited for post-matric scholarship scheme for 2016-17 from the students belonging to SC category studying in delhi and outside delhi but with in india. last datefor recept of applications for fresh scholarships and for renewal of scholarships is 31.10.2016

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Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the students belonging to the SC category pursuing study of all recognised post matriculation or post secondary courses in recognised institutions for Post-Matric Scholarships for the year 2016-17 as per the eligibility criteria and conditions prescribed by the Ministry of social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.

How To Apply

** Trus scheme may be applied through National Scholarship Portal (NSP 2.0) of Govt. of India, i.e. student will register on the NSP portal to get login credential and fill up entry form by entering complete details to get the registration ID.
** For uploading the requisite documents, students must read the latest instructions issued by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India.
** The Head of institutions must ensure seeding of Aadhaar and bank accounts by the students of their respective intuitions. in case of unavailability of Aadhaat, efforts may be made by institutions to organise camps for Aadhaar enrolment or encourage students to get their Aadhaar from Aadhaar enrolment centres.
** Students are advised to keep the printout of online application form for future references. Records filled by students will be forwarded to the login of respective Schools/institutes/Universities. The Head/Principal/Hegistrar of Schools/Institutes/Universities shall login into the portal in order to examine the beneficiary details and shall validate, authorize & approve the student records and submit the validated data at the NSP portal.
** Nodal officer of the respective Schools/institutes/Universities will be solely responsible to enter the accurate DIAS/HAS Code of its institution and all the courses, programs etc. offered by them. This will nein the beneficiary student to select his/her schools/Institutes/Universities in a single click at NSP Portal.

Conditions For Scholarship

a) Students should be resident of Delhi State and possess caste certificate issued by the Government of NCT of Delhi.
b) Scholarship will be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and Annual income of whose parent’s or guardian’s (Father and Mother both) of the student should not exceed Rs. 2,50 lakh from all sources in the form of income declaration.
c) A self declaration showing family income to be filed.
d) Bank Account should be in the name of applicant and bank account should be aadhaar linked-
e) Aadhaar Card Number is required to apply online.
f) Students who pursus their studies through correspondence courses are also eligible.
g) All children of the same parents/guardians will be entitled to receive benefits of the scheme.
h) Financial assistance will be given to pursue higher, technical/vocational courses in Delhi and outside Delhi
i) A scholarship holder under the scheme will not hold any other scholarship stipend.
j) Continuation of the scholarship in subsequent years will depend on successful completion of the course during the preceding year.
k) The student must upload the requisite documents for disbursal of scholarship however before uploading the documents the instructions regarding the document to be uploaded on NSP 2.0 portal must be viewed as per guidelines of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India.

Required Documents

The following documents are to be upºcaded on NSP 2.0 (as oer requirement):
1. Scanned Copy of Mark-sheet of the previous examination passed.
ii. Scanned Copy of Proof of Permanent Residence.
iii. Scanned Copy of Original Fee receipts.
iv. Scanned Copy of Bonafide certificate/institute verification Certificate.
v. Scanned Copy of Bank Passbook/canceliad check having IFSC code/ MIGR code
vi. Scanned Copy of Aadhaar Card.
vii. Scanned Copy of caste certificate.
viii. Scanned Copy of Declaration form by the Student.
ix. Scanned Copy offee structure.
x. Scanned Copy of hostel fee receipts/hostel certificate by the warden.

Value of Scholarship

a) Maintenance allowance as per guidelines.
b) Reimbursement of compulsory non refundable fees.
c) Other admissible allowances as per guidelines of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment available at the official website of the Department

Students/institutes are advised to read the “FAQ’s and Information for Institutes” available on the home-page of the website carefully before filling online applications and scrutiny by the Institutes.

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