Special Scholarship To SC Students : Social Justice & Empowerment

Organization : Department of Social Justice & Empowerment
Scholarship Name : Special Scholarship To SC Students
Applicable For : Scheduled Caste Students
Applicable State : Gujarat

Website :

Special Scholarship To SC Students :

Special Scholarship to Scheduled Caste Students in selected secondary and higher secondary schools.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Post-SSC State Scholarship Gujarat

Eligibility criteria :
** Family income of the student shall not be more than 10 times the income ceiling fixed for Below Poverty Line.
** Scheduled Caste students who are studying in famous private selected schools like-
** Doon School, Dehradun,
** Sofiya School, Abu,
** Mayo School, Ajmer,
** Sainik School, Balachadi,
** Mahila Sainik School, Kherva, Dist. Mehsana,
** St. Chemist Highschool, Panchgani,
** St. Xaviers’, Panchgani,
** Bilimoriya High School, Panchgani, New Era High School, Panchgani,
** Sanjivani Vidhyalaya, Panchgani,
** And those students who are studying in Std.X and XII in Gujarat, are paid financial assistance for encouraging them.
** Students who get admission in school, whose students got rank amongst first 10 in Board exams of Std.X and XII during last three examinations preceding to the year shall also be entitled for benefit of this scheme.

Pattern of Assistance :
** One time financial assistance of Rs.50,000/- or the actual expenses, whichever is less, to the 10 students admitted to Std.VII and 10 students admitted to Std.XI in any of the above schools, which shall include admission fee, tuition fee, hostel fee, food bill, books, uniform and other ancillary expenses. Students who got admission in Std. VI and Std.XI in Sainik School, Balachadi are being extended this benefit.
** Under this scheme, the student getting admission to Std.VIII or Std.XI shall be eligible only once for this assistance.
** The students getting admission to Std.VI or Std.XI in the Sainik School, Balachadi shall be eligible only once for this assistance.

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