Central Sector Scholarship CSS Fresh 2016-17 : Department of Collegiate Education

Organisation : Department of Collegiate Education
Scholarship Name : Central Sector Scholarship CSS Fresh 2016-17
Applicable State : Kerala
Application Last Date : 30/09/2016

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Central Sector Scholarship :

To provide financial assistance to meritorious students from low income families to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.

Update :
Collegiate Education Kerala Central Sector Scholarship CSS 2017-18 :

The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the results of senior secondary examination. 82000 fresh scholarships per annum [41000 for boys and 41000 for girls] will be awarded for graduate / postgraduate studies in colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical, Engineering etc.

The total number of scholarships will be divided amongst the State Boards based on the State’s population in the age group of 18-25 years, after segregating share of CBSE and ICSE on the basis of number of students passing out from various Boards in the country.

50 % of the scholarships would be earmarked for girls. The number of scholarships allotted to a State Board would be distributed amongst pass outs of the Science, Commerce and Humanities streams of the State Board in the ratio of 3 :2:1.

Students who are above 80th percentile of successful candidates in the relevant stream for a particular Board of Examination, in class XII of 10+2 pattern or equivalent.


The examining bodies will draw up a merit list of scholars likely to be eligible for scholarship within five weeks after the results of the examinations announced by the Boards/Universities/Authority for all students. The income of the students’ parents will be taken into account before preparing the list.

The Boards/Universities/Authority in the State/Union Territory will write to the eligible students from the top of the merit list up to twice the number of scholarships available (to provide for possible refusal and ineligible cases) through a registered letter to confirm within 15 days whether he/she is prepared to accept the scholarship.

The candidates from whom replies are not received within 30 days of the State Board / CBSE / ICSE seeking their willingness will not be considered for scholarship and the award will be given to the next eligible candidates in the merit list.

The Boards/Universities in the State/Union Territory will send to each candidate shortlisted for consideration for award of scholarships the following :
(a) Entitlement Card
(b) Income Affidavit form
(c) A Form for ‘Statement of Particulars’.

The shortlisted scholars shall present the Entitlement Card, Income Affidavit form and Statement of Particulars, duly filled-in to the Head of the Institution joined by him/her. The Head of the Institution will complete the Entitlement Card and send it to the concerned State Board, CBSE, ICSE, as the case may be.

On receipt of the ‘joining report’ along with the completed ‘Statement of Particulars’ and ‘Income Affidavit, the concerned Board will then compile the list of scholarship awardees of that Board on the basis of merit, eligibility criteria and reservation guidelines of the Central Govt. and send the same to the National Scholarship Division of MHRD, Department of Higher Education which will arrange to pay the scholarship to the scholar through a designated bank.

The Name, Address for communication and details of bank account of the student in which the scholarship is to be paid, is to be furnished by the Board along with the list.

If the concerned Board does not receive the joining report from the candidate duly signed by the Head of Institution, within 30 days from the date of closure of admission in the Institution, the case for award of scholarship to him/her will not be considered. The scholarship will then be offered to the next eligible candidate in the merit list.

The rate of scholarship would be Rs.1000/- p.m. at Graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs.2000/- per month at Post- Graduation level. Students pursuing professional courses would get Rs.2000/- per month in the 4th and 5th year. The scholarship would be paid for 10 months in an academic year.

Categories Kerala

View Comments (1)

  • I am the student for B.Sc Botany,1st year (2016-17). I have passed VHSC (Agri) from Kerala Board of Vocational Higher secondary,Thiruvananthapuram with 81% of marks. I have tried to apply for national scholarship, but could not complete the application because some option is not seen in the column. I belong to OBC category and having low annual income. The board of VHSC name cannot be seen in the column and the scheme which I desires to apply is not seen. © 2022

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