2016-17 Post Matric Scholarship For Students With Disabilities : Department of Collegiate Education

Organization : Kerala Department of Collegiate Education
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarship For Students With Disabilities 2016-17
Applicable For : Students With Disabilities
Applicable State : Kerala
Application Last Date : 30th September 2016

Website :
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Post Matric Scholarship :

Online applications for Post -Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities are invited from Kerala students. Students are requested to submit their application with necessary documents immediately under prescribed . instructions through (National Scholarship Portal).

Update : Collegiate Education Kerala Post Matric Scholarship For Students With Disabilities 2018-19 :

Last date for the submission of application s will be 30th September 2016. Guidelines for this scholarship can also be seen in,

** Scholarships under this scheme will be available under this scheme will be available fors tudying in classes XI, XII, post- matriculation diploma/certificates and Bachelor’s Degree or Diplomain Indiaand Master’s Degree from any University recognized by UGC

** To students with disabilities who are covered under the Persons with Disabilities ( Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 and the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act. 1999 and /or under any relevant legal statute in force

Conditions Of Eligibility:
General Conditions for post matric Scholarship scheme are shown below.
(1) The Scholarship will be given to nationals of India only.
(2) The students having less than 40% disability ( Certified by competent medical authority of the state Governments/UTs) are not eligible.
(3) Not more than two disabled children of the same parents will be entitled to receive benefits of the scheme. Provided in case the second child is a twin, the scholarship under this scheme will be admissible to both the twins.
(4) Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class. She/he would not get scholarship for that class for a second (or subsequent) year.

Duration & Renewal of Awards:
(I) The award once made will be tenable from the stage at which it is given to the completion of course subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance. It will be renewed from year to year provided that within a course which is continuous for a number of years, the scholar secures promotion to the next higher class irrespective of the fact whether such examinations are conducted by a University or the institution.

(II) If a disabled scholar pursuing Group I courses mentioned in para7 (i) above fails in the examination for the first time, the award may be renewed. For second and subsequent failure in any class, the student shall bear his/her own expenses until he/she secures promotion to the next higher class.

Procedure of Application & Selection:
a) The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities will announce the details of the scheme and invite applications by issuing an advertisement in the leading newspapers and through the websites and other media outfits. Applications will be called for through National e-scholarship portal (

b) The applicants should submit their application through the online system within the date prescribed for receipt of applications. All requisite documents likephotograph, proof of age, disability certificate, income certificate of the parent, etc. duly filled in the prescribed format will be required to be uploaded in the on-line system.

c) The Institutions in which the candidate is studying shall also register itself in the same website and verify the details provided by the candidates. The nodal officer nominated by the State shall oversee all the applications and processthe same the State Government who shall forward the final list in PFMS portal for disbursal of scholarship amount to the beneficiaries.

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