Chanakya Foundation Scholarship Awards 2016-17 :

Organisation : Chanakya Foundation
Scholarship Name : Chanakya Scholarship Awards, 2016–2017
Applicable for : 4 to 10 standard
Exam Date : 18-Jan-2017

Website :

Chanakya Scholarship Awards :

Chanakya Foundation presents the Chanakya Scholarship Awards, 2016 – 2017 for encouraging students with talent to come up front and prove themselves. This scholarship gives a chance to meritorious students from class 4th to class 10th of India to win scholarships worth 1.25 Cr.

Related :
Swami Dayanand Charitable Educational Foundation Merit-cum-Means Scholarship 2016-17 :

This scholarship programme is for student’s form class 4th to Class 10th which is further divided into primary, middle and secondary. Chanakya Foundation invites you to be part of a mission called the “ CHANAKYA SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 2016 – 2017”.

Why Choose Us :
Why should I apply?
Do you have a dream or a fervent wish or even the determination to be the best in whatever you do? Then CHANAKYA AWARD is the exam for you.

Because unlike regular school exams, we focus on Intelligence, Spark and Display a lot of common sense. Here it is not about mugging and scoring high marks. It is about General Knowledge and Fundamentals of Math. And Science so if you are smart then you are just the person to apply.

Eligibility :
Eligibility criteria for participation in the Exam – Exam will be conducted from 4 to 10 standard

Scholarship Distribution :
Winners would be decided solely on the basis of merit list generated by chanakya foundation.

All decisions by Chanakya foundation regarding the Chanakya Scholarship program shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this connection.

The scholarships are non-transferable and any government levies / taxes arising out of the same will have to be borne by the participant.

Only Participants who take the written test are eligible for a certificate.

How to Apply? :
Individual students can apply independently or through his or her school. Entries from students applying independently shall not be included in the entries from students enrolling through their schools. However we would suggest that your entries are routed through schools.

Availability of Application Forms
Application Fee for various groups & Payment Modes
Instructions on filling up the form
Form Submission Centers
Terms & Conditions

Hard work not only pays off but also pays of in a big way. Participate in this unique scholarship programme and you stand a chance to win hundreds of scholarships, not just one or two.

In this programme organized by Chanakya foundation students from class 4 to 10 will receive various prizes at district and state level. Apart from the main prizes there are various consolation prizes to be won.

** To make this activity a grand success, we seek full contribution and help form all the schools around Rajasthan. We also understand that we would require the expertise and experience of education professionals like you. We have come up with special prizes for schools to ensure full cooperation and contribution.

** Special prize for the school with highest number of entries
** Special prize for school securing highest average percentile (minimum 20 entries)
** Special prize for school achieving highest rank
** Many more special prizes

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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