Pre & Post Matric scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2016-17 : U.T Administration of Daman & Diu

Organisation : U.T. Administration of Daman & Diu
scholarship Name : Pre & Post Matric scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2016-17
Applicable for : IX to XII Standard Students
Applicable State : Daman & Diu
Last Date : 30/09/2016

Notification :
Website :

Pre-matric & Post-matric scholarship :

(a) To support students with disabilities for their study in classes IX and X onwards so that the incidence of drop-out, especially in the transition from the elementary to the secondary stage is minimized

Related : Directorate of Education Daman SC-ST Students for Stipend/Scholarship 2016 :

(b) To improve participation of students with disabilities in classes IX and X and at the pre-matric stage of education.

(c) To support students with disabilities to study further in order to prepare themselves to earn their livelihood and to find a dignified place for themselves in the society as they face several barriers physical, financial, psychological, mental in pursuing studies and living with dignity. At times such students are deprived of harnessing their latent skills and thereby miss the opportunity.

(d) All Graduate & Post Graduate courses recognised by UGC will be covered under Post-Matric Scholarship

Scholarships under this scheme will be available for studying in classes IX, X, XI, XII, post-matriculation diploma/certificates and Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma in India and Master’s Degree from any University recognised by UGC, to students with disabilities who are covered under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 and the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 and/or under any relevant legal statute in force.

Only Indian Nationals will be eligible for scholarships. Scholarship under the Scheme will be awarded by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disability, Government of India.

a) The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities will announce the details of the scheme and invite applications by issuing an advertisement in the leading newspapers and through the websites and other media outfits.
Applications will be called for through National e-Scholarship Portal (

b) The applicants should submit their application through the online system within the last date prescribed for receipt of applications. All requisite documents like photograph, proof of age, disability certificate, income certificate of the parent, etc. duly filled in the prescribed format will be required to be uploaded in the on-line system.

c) The institutions in which the candidate is studying shall also register itself in the same website and verify the details provided by the candidates.

The nodal officer nominated by the State shall oversee all the applications and process the same the State Government who shall forward the final list in PFMS portal for disbursal of scholarship amount to the beneficiaries.

d) Final selection will be done by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities based on the recommendations of the concerned Department of the State Government considering, inter alia, the no. of slots available to that particular State.

The no. of slots available to any State is decided on the basis of percentage of population of PWDs of that State in comparison to the total PWD population of India.

e) In case a candidate is a permanent resident of one State but studying in another State, his application will be considered under the slot of his home State and his application needs the recommendation of the Education/Welfare Department of the State of which he is a permanent resident.

f) Merit Criteria for Selection: The following factors will be taken into consideration:
(i) Fulfillment of eligibility conditions as given in the scheme.
(ii) Recommendation of the State Education Department.
(iii) No. of slots available to the State.
(iv) Merit of the candidate in terms of percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination.

(v) In case of a tie in percentage of marks, the percentage of disability will be considered i.e. the candidate with higher percentage of disability will get preference. In case there is still a tie, the age will be considered i.e. the older candidate will get preference.

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