punjabscholarships.gov.in ASHIRWAD Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC & OBC Punjab

Organisation : Department of Welfare of Scheduled Castes (SC) & Backward Classes (BC)
Scholarship Name : ASHIRWAD Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme For SC and OBC
State : Punjab

Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/10755-manual.pdf
Website : scholarships [dot] punjab [dot] gov[dot] in

ASHIRWAD Post-Matric Scholarship :

** Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme has been solely put forth to offer financial support to the economically weaker students from the SC and OBC.

Related / Similar Post : Dr.Ambedkar Scholarship Portal Helpline

** This scheme offers Scholarships for the students to pursue Professional and Non-Professional courses after Matriculation.
** The main objective of this integrated e-Governance Portal is for the automation, streamlining & effective management of processes related to application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of Post-Matric Scholarships to Students .
** This initiative is aimed to facilitate faster and efficient disposal of scholarship applications and timely payment of the scholarships to the students, directly in their bank accounts.

Main features :
e-Scholarships for Post-Matric (ASHIRWAD) is a Web Based Application, which has the following features
** Students can fill in their application online, from anywhere anytime.
** Students can view the status of the scholarship application.
** Introduction of Bar-coding to filter out fake application.
** SMS and e-mail alerts are sent to the Stake Holders- Institution and Students.
** Auto & bulk processing of Scholarship application by the Institute.
** Easy Scholarship sanctioning process for Sanctioning Authority.
** Auto disbursal of Scholarship to Student’s and Institutes’ Bank Account.
** Easy monitoring of Scholarship by the Department and State Authority.

Starting operation :
** For processing of Post-Matric Scholarship Applications and other Post-Matric Scholarship activities,
** Institute has to Open the browser and enter the URL punjabscholraships.gov.in which will display the home page of the Post Matric e-scholarship portal (ASHIRWAD).
** Institute can log-in by using the Institute/User ID and Password provided to them by their respective line departments. (In case of non-receipt of log-in account, Institute can contact their respective line departments).
** User has to click on the “Authorities Login” from the menu, displayed on top of the page.
** Then enter the Institute-ID & Password and the displayed Captcha Code, and click on login. (e.g : ins2949, ins2949*123, SD5K)
** On all correct entries for login, the Institute Welcome page of the Scholarship Portal is displayed.

Categories Punjab

View Comments (23)

  • I have cleared my teaching Diploma 6years ago.but I have not received my scholarship..what can I do??

  • I am a MBBS 3 year student. I have applied scholarship for 3 years but I have not received any scholarship yet. What should I do? Please guide me.

  • I have filled all the details in the form but I can't fill my bank account number and IFSC number which are correct and last date is 15th October. What can I do now? Please help me.

  • I have completed my B.Com in Arya College, Ludhiana. I didn't receive the scholarship of 2nd and 3rd year. I want to known the reason of not receiving scholarship.

  • I applied for Aashirwad scholarship in 12th class. Now I am in B.Tech first year. Can I apply for fresh scholarship?

  • I applied Ashirwad Scholarship in my final year as earlier I was not aware of. But now I have completed internship also but one due of Rs. 75000 is still pending towards college due to which I am not getting in my degree.

  • What should I do now as I have locked the form without uploading the picture, SC certificate and income certificate? Please tell me because tomorrow is the last date.

  • I have already applied for scholarship last year. So what steps do I have to follow to renew my scholarship. What are the certificates necessary to renew?

  • I have applied for the scholarship in the year 2015. I have renewed the scholarship in the year 2016. Till now I didn't get my scholarship amount. What can be done?

    • You can use the below mentioned link to check your scholarship application status :

      ** Enter user name or application Id, password and enter the captcha text that is available in the screen.
      ** Press "LOGIN" button.

  • I have applied for the scholarship twice. Till now I didn't get the scholarship. Please tell me the status of my scholarship application.

    • You can use the below mentioned link to check your scholarship application status :

      ** Enter user name or application Id, password and enter the captcha text that is available in the screen.
      ** Press “LOGIN” button.

  • I have already applied for scholarship last year. Do I need to apply again for renewal of scholarship?

  • I am studying B.Tech 3rd year from Punjab technical university. I belong to OBC caste. My family income is lesser than Rs.75000 per annum.

  • I am bsc nursing 2nd year student. I have filled Aashirwaad form in November 2015. I have not received that scholarship.

  • I am a student B.A.final year Guru Nanak Khalsa college Punjab. I belong to OBC caste. My family annual income is lesser than 80,000. I am facing lot of problems due to financial condition.

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