NCERT Doctoral Fellowships 2016 : National Council of Educational Research & Training

Organisation : National Council of Educational Research and Training
Fellowship Name : NCERT Doctoral Fellowships-2016

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NCERT Doctoral Fellowships :

The NCERT Doctoral Fellowships are intended to enable young scholars to pursue doctoral research in education and other related disciplines. Doctoral Fellows can pursue their work in a recognized university/research institution of their choice.

Update : NCERT Doctoral Fellowship 2018 :

The NCERT encourages original thinking in conceptualization of the problem and use of innovative methodology in conduct of the research related to school education.

Eligibility :
1. Good Academic record with at least 60% marks at both Graduate and Post Graduate Levels.
2. Candidates should not be more than 35 years of age as on the last date of receipt of applications.
3. Candidates registered for Ph.D. degree in a recognized university/ or working toward their Ph.D. registration are eligible to apply.

Other conditions:
1. Four out of 10 fellowships are reserved for 4 Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs) one each for Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Mysore.
2. The fellowships will be limited to extremely deserving candidates only. If suitable candidates are not available, Council may not select all 10 Fellows.

3. Candidate applying for Doctoral Fellowship should have either completed predoctoral research methodology course or enrolled/selected for such course for appropriate duration as approved by UGC. The fellowship will start after completion of the course and confirmed registration with the University for Ph.D. work.
4. Each Doctoral Fellow will be required to present a seminar at the end of each semester.

Fellowship Amount :
NCERT Doctoral Fellows will receive a fellowship of Rs. 12,000/- per month (for Non-NET) and Rs16,000/- per month ( in case of NET qualified candidates) for a maximum period of three years from the date of permanent Ph.D. registration and date of selection in NCERT. They will also receive a contingency grant of Rs.10,000/- per annum during this period.

The fellowship will commence from the date of joining by the candidate after furnishing the documents of permanent Ph.D. registration in NCERT and will terminate at the end of three years from the date of joining or with the submission of the doctoral thesis whichever is earlier.

Disbursement of Fellowship :
The NCERT will credit the monthly fellowship to the savings bank account of the Fellow. For this, each Fellow will be required to submit a ‘Certificate of Attendance and Satisfactory Work Performance’ to NCERT on a quarterly basis. Release of the monthly fellowship from second quarter onwards will be subject to receipt of the said certificate.

Annual contingency grant to the extent of actual expenditure incurred but not more than Rs.10,000/- per annum will be credited to the account of the Fellow after receipt and scrutiny of the bills/vouchers submitted by the fellow duly signed and countersigned by the supervisor and Head of the Department.

Online Application Procedure :
Application should be field in the prescribed format available online at the NCERT website ( Only online applications will be accepted.

The last date for online application is within 60 days from the publication of the advertisement in news papers. © 2022

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