Organization : BCWD Backward Classes Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Post Matric/Vidyasiri Meals & Accommodation / Nursing/ Fee Exemption Scholarship 2016-17
Applicable For : BC Students
Applicable State : Karnataka
Application Last Date : 25 -09-2016
Website :
BCWD Karnataka Post Matric/Vidyasiri Scholarship
Post.matric Scholarship is sanctioned to the B.Cs students studying in different post matric courses (i.e., after SSLC) in the recognized institutions and Universities of the State.
Related / Similar Scholarship : BCWD Post Matric/ Vidyasiri Scholarship 2017-18
All B.Cs students studying in different post-matric courses who satisfy the conditions specified below are eligible for this benefit.
i) The student should belong to either of the Categories of B.Cs as enumerated in G.O. dt; 30.3.2002.
ii) The annual income of the parents/guardians of the students belonging to Cat.IIA, IIB, IIIA & IIIB of B.Cs shall not exceed Rs.15,000/- P.A. However no income limit is fixed to students belonging to cat.I of B.Cs.
iii) The students should not be the recipients of any other kind of scholarship except Merit Scholarship.
iv) The student should not be the inmates of any Government or Government aided hostels.
v) The scholarship applications should be duly filled and submitted in the prescribed format along with the relevant enclosures (documents) within the last date fixed. The applications received beyond last date/ incomplete applications/applications without relevant enclosures will not be valid.
Documents required
1. Caste Certificate (in respect of Cat.I students)
2. Caste & Income certificate in respect of the students belonging to categories other than Cat.I of Backward Classes.
3. Marks Card copy of the previous year’s examination.
Fee Concession Scheme
** The Scheme ‘Fee Concession’ is implemented to benefit all the eligible students in std. X and post-matric courses whose parental annual Income does not exceed Rs.11,000/- P.A irrespective of caste and Creed. No income limit is fixed to the students belonging to Cat-I of Backward Classes.
** This benefit is extended to the students studying in Government, aided and unaided institutions including evening colleges and open Universities. The students studying in X std. are exempted from the payment of examination fee only as free education is provided up to higher secondary school level.
** As for as the post-matric students are concerned. The students belonging to Cat-I of Backward Classes are exempted from the payment of tuition fee, lab fee, examination fee and any other fee prescribed by the Government. The students other than category -I are exempted for the payment of tuition, lab (science subject) and examination fee only.
** The management of the Government aided /unaided institutions who do not collect the fee from the students eligible for fee concession on production of their caste / Income certificate at the time of admission are eligible for reimbursement of loss of fee income at the rates prescribed by the Government in similar Government institutions.
a). The students should belong to the Karnataka state.
b). Students who join the private colleges by paying Capitation fee are not eligible.
c). The Annual income of the parents/ Guardian of the student should not exceed Rs.11,000/- P.A. ( However no Income limit is fixed to the students belonging to Cat _ I of Backward Classes
View Comments (52)
Kindly reply me, what are the scholarships applicable for first PU students and what are the last dates for that scholarships?
I have applied for Vidyasiri Scholarship when I studying 2nd PUC. I have scored 568/600 in 1st year PUC but I didn't get selected for that scholarship. Now I completed my second PUC with 95.66. Can I now again apply for scholarship?
In 2017, I have completed B.Sc degree, now how can I get Vidysiri scholarship? Please tell me.
My scholarship has sanctioned but I have not get money.
My parents income per year is Rs.12,000. Can I get this scholarship or not?
When are you giving the scholarship of academic year 2016-2017? When will you sanction last year scholarship money to our account?
I applied for Prathiba Puraskara in the year 2015. Can I apply for this year also?
My parent income is more than Rs.15000 pa. So can I apply post matric scholarship?
What is the last date to apply for this scholarship in this year?
I want to edit my application. How can I do? I did mistake by filling marks. So I want to change that.
I did some mistake in application. How should I delete that one?
I completed my SSLC in 2003. Now I joined B.Ed. Still I cant apply for scholarship. Please suggest me.
Last year I have applied for scholarship, and I have left the college. Now I couldn't renew my application. So what should I have to do?
I am not able to get application due to google ads.
I filled the wrong fee receipt number. Is there any problem?
I need to edit application because account number is wrong.
When is the last date to apply?
Please let me know whether SC/ ST students can apply or not.
Please say if I can I apply this scholarship.
How do we want to apply?
Please let me know about SC/ST application.
I am a PUC student, studying in the II year. I belong to the minority category of Indian Christian of a poor background. My Father works in Christian seminary. Could I be eligible for applying to your scholarship scheme? If so I would be really grateful indeed.
Information available from the Official Website :
My scholarship amount is not credited to my account. Why?
I have got 80% in SSLC.
I only got fee conception that's Rs.1500. Till now remaining money is not sanctioned but my friends got it. When will I receive remaining?
I am studying in B.Sc nursing first year. When can I apply this application form?
Why should not give scholarship for private colleges students?
I would like to know if this application is online or offline.
Why food and accommodation amount are not sanctioned to my account till now? Please provide the amount.
May I know the reason why I didn't get my scholarship till now?
Please inform me why Vidyasiri Scholarship has not been sanctioned to me even though I have all the eligibility.
My application has been sanctioned. till now I didn't receive the amount. Please help me.
My PUC fee concession has not been sanctioned. Please sanction as early as possible.
May I know why my scholarship amount has not been sanctioned till now?
How can I apply for this scholarship? Please guide me.
Please guide me to get my scholarship.
Why food and accommodation amount are not sanctioned to my account? Please provide the amount.
Can PUC students avail this scholarship? Please let me know.
When will the application be distributed for the year 20127-2018?
Hoe can I download application form? Please help me.
Why amount for food and accommodation are not sanctioned to me?
How can I get my application number?
How to upload online application for the year 2017?
How can I get my application number?
How can I download the application form?
I have uploaded my 2nd sem results. It is wrongly mistaken. I want to edit. When are you giving the scholarship for students?
Can engineering students apply for this scholarship?
When are you giving the scholarship for students?
I have uploaded my 2nd sem results. It is wrongly mistaken. I want to edit.