DHE eMedhabruti Renewal 2016-17 Odisha : medhabruti.org

Organization : Odisha DHE Department of Higher Education
Scholarship Name : eMedhabruti Renewal 2016-17
Applicable State : Odisha
Website : https://scholarship.odisha.gov.in/website/scholarship-list
Renewal Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/10691-Medhabruti.pdf

eMedhabruti Renewal

Students who have been selected for medhabruti and have already received the amount for the year of application they should go for renewal of Scholarship offline for the subsequent year (s) after downloading the application form available in website.

Related / Similar Post : Odisha eMedhabruti Scholarship 2019-20


1. The renewal application should be enclosed with copy of supporting documents i.e. copy of first page of Savings Bank Pass Book issued by the Banks, last academic performance report etc.

2. After receiving the renewal application, the College Authority shall verify the form about the correctness of facts submitted by the students along with linked information, viz. a. He must be a resident of Odisha. He must fulfill other criteria such as income ceiling and as indicate in point 6.

3. The College Authority after verification of the renewal applications shall prepare a list of students for renewal of scholarship indicating the following information to the Under Secretary to Government, Higher Education Department, Odisha Secretariat, Bhubaneswar, District- Khurda, PIN – 751 001 for necessary action of the Government.

4. The disbursement of all scholarship amounts shall be credited to the Savings Bank Account of students directly by the Electronic Credit System.
5. One time proposals in this prescribed format of all students batch wise taking selection year into consideration should be submitted once in a year

6. A student who is receiving any other scholarship awarded by the State or Central Government i.e. scholarship awarded by S.T & S.C Development Department including Minorities & Backward Class Development Department, Ministry of Labour & Employment to the children of Beedi workers etc.; their cases should not be forwarded to the Higher Education Department.

Important Notes

** Desirous students are requested to apply online for renewal scholarship by the Government website medhabruti.org
** They are advised to print the renewal Application Form after successfully apply online.
** The students are required to submit the Printed Application Form with supporting documents to the head of the institution where s/he is continuing study.
** The head of the institution shall submit the hard copy of the downloaded renewal application form duly countersigned by him along with copies of supporting documents to any “SAMS Resource Center”.

Contact us :
Department of Higher Education Government of Odisha
Postal Address:
The Deputy Secretary (Scholarship)
Higher Education Department
Odisha Secretariat, Bhubaneswar- 751001
Scholarship Section, DHE: +91 674 2396550
E-Mail ID: scholarshiphedgov [AT] gmail.com

View Comments (110)

  • I am from Berahampur. I am doing MCA from NIST. I applied for eMedhabruti and I also selected for scholarship. But the problem is, my account is closed due to no transaction. What shall I do now?

  • Out of the selected 7 PG Students of Zoology department, only 2 students have got their scholarship. Whether the rest will get the scholarship or not? Please look into the matter and let me know. With regards.

  • I have applied for E-Medhabruti Scholarship. I have not get the amount yet. I have to pay my college fees. Please send it soon. I am from poor background.

  • I have got scholarship for the session 2015-16. I have applied for the renewal of scholarship for the session 2016-17. I didn't get scholarship yet. Please help me to get my scholarship. Its urgent for clearing my due.

  • I am trying to contact the helpline number. But its not working at all. I also mailed to the officer but they didn't respond till now. Can anyone give contact details?

  • I have got scholarship for the session 2015-16. I have applied for the renewal of scholarship. I haven't got scholarship yet. Please help me to get my scholarship.

  • I have applied for e-medhabruti in 2016. But till now I have not received my medhabruti. My reference number is 17S040500.

  • There is no official link for renewal in website "emedhabruti.org". So how will applicant fill renewal form?

  • All student names were displayed in 1st print, but in 2nd print names were omitted. Kindly resend their names for renewal scholarship 2016-2017.

  • I didn't found the E-Medhabruti Scholarship in 2016. Please give me scholarship. My reference number is 16S001934.

  • What is the status of my scholarship application form for 2016-17? Please let me know.
    Registered Number : 1401229100
    Branch : Electrical Engineering
    Bank Account Number : 149510100031016
    College : Dhaneswar Rath Institute Of Engineering And Management Studies

  • I have completed +3 science from Stewart Science College, Cuttack. I have applied for Medhabruti scholarship in 2014. I have received Rupees.5000 for one year. The remaining Rupees.10000 is not received yet. I also applied for online renewal and submitted my hard copy to college authority. I hope Medhabruti Section, BBSR will consider my case.

  • I am perusing B.Tech course. I got my scholarship for the 1st year. I didn't get it for next 2 years. May I know the reason?

    • For any scholarship related queries you can contact the below mentioned details :
      Odisha DHE Department of Higher Education
      Scholarship Section, DHE: +91 674 2396550
      E-Mail ID: scholarshiphedgov[AT]gmail.com
      Information as provided in the official website of Odisha DHE Department of Higher Education

  • I have applied for renewal of my scholarship for the year 2016-17 through my college in the month of August 2016. I have already received the scholarship amount. Please clarify if I am required to apply for renewal for the year 2016-17 by 31.03.2017.

  • I have completed the application form before 25th January. After this day my college doesn't take my document. What is the submission date? Can I give my application form for medhabruti?

  • When I applied online renewal medhabruti form I forgot to put the college name. Next time I correct the form it showed that the account number is already exist. What will I do next?

  • I am from Bargarh. I have applied for e medhabruti scholarship but I do not know where I can deposit offline form. I am from KV Bargarh.

    • You have to deposit print copy of your medhabruti application form, your resident proof or cert.,income certificate, caste cert(if applicable),and last semester result in your college student center/academic center.

  • I need to know whether renewal of Medhabruti Scholarship need to be submitted online or offline. Please help.

    • You have to apply it online and after that I get a print out of your renewal form and submit it in your college with required documents.


  • I am studying B.Ed 2nd year. My renewal id Up 201617000791507 does not matched aadhaar card. Please match it. Mu number is 504286587551.

  • How could I know the cut off Mark of renewal of e-medhabruti? Is there any specific cutoff mark for renewal?

  • I am studying in Utkal university of culture MVA PG student. My university name is not showing in the list.

  • I had studied integrated M.Sc & I got scholarships in 1st year. After that I don't renew. Can I renew now?

  • I shall apply for Sr.Medhabruti. My father is a Public Sector Employee (PSU). As the proof of his income what type of certificate should I submit? Let me know whether His FORM-16 / IT return / certificate from employer or income certificate from Tahasildar.

  • I received the amount last year. Now I continue my study to B.Ed(government). Am I able to renew my application?

  • How can I apply e-medhabruti for 3yr diploma student? I am a student of Govt.polytechnic,Bhubaneswar. Can I apply it?

  • I am studying B.Sc 2nd year. I was not not able to submit the documents last year. How can I apply for the scholarship this year? Is it fresh or renewal?

  • I had sent my scholarship form last year and I got 75% but I couldn’t get the scholarship. Please send my scholarship.

  • I had applied for renewal e-medhabruti on September. I haven't received the money yet. My account no is 20181302528.

  • I am studying in B.Sc 2nd year. I applied e-medhabruti this year but I don't get scholarship yet. My a/c no is 633802010006333.

  • I had sent the scholarship in this year. But I didn't found the E-medhabruti scholarship in 2016. Please give me scholarship. My a/c no is 515410110003113.(B.Sc student)

  • I had sent my scholarship form last year but I couldn't get the scholarship? Please send my scholarship.

  • I have already appliad the scholarship in my Graduation Now I want to renew it. Please tell me the process of Renewal. How much percentage is required for Medhabruti renewal?

  • I got money Rs.5000/- in 2016 and want to renew but in +3 1st yr I got just 64%. Can I renew my application?

  • I need to know if I want to submit new resident certificate and new income certificate for renewal of Medhabruthi 2016-2017.

  • I am already registered in megabruti site but due to my roll number mistake I don't get my money. So shall I apply for scholarship as a fresher or renew my application form?

  • When will Medhabruti come into force? One week has already passed from the date of initiation.

  • Already I got my 1st amount of scholarship. But now I don't have idea to apply renewal for this scholarship.

  • When will the E-Medhabruti initiate and when do we need to apply? The initiating date was 23rd November,2016 but still web-site is not opened.

    • No,you can't apply for this scholarship. Because you have not got the required percentage. In addition to this you are a ST student. So you must avail the PRERANA SCHOLARSHIP.

  • The site mentioned for online application of the scholarship is not loading!!! What are the alternatives to apply online?

  • My form was rejected previous year and I don't receive the Amount. So in the year 2016-17 whether I need to apply for new OR I need to renew the Application. What can I do?

    • If you have your name in the merit list then you have to renew it but if it was absent there then you need to apply fresh.

  • What is the last date of Renewal form submission for 2016-17?
    Our College department said that the time has been expired.

    • Issuing date of my resident certificate & income certificate was 5th June ,2016. Will it work or not for applying Medhabruti renewal?

  • I am studying PG 1st yr. I did not received Medhabruti scholarship in graduation. Can I apply in fresh?

  • I am the student of 12th class. I want to know that, my father annual income is above 2 lakhs but my caste is SC. So could I apply this scholarship or not?

  • I had Sent the scholarship in this year. But I Didn't found the E~Medhabruti Scholarship in 2016. Please Give Me scholarship.
    My ac/no is 540810110010313.(B.A student)

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