Runwal Higher Study Financial Assistance Application : Subhash Education Foundation

Organization : Subhash Runwal Education Foundation
Scholarship Name : Higher Study Financial Assistance Application

Website :
Application Form :

Higher Study Financial Assistance :

Mr. Subhash S. Runwal founded Subhash Runwal Education Foundation in the year of 1983, a public charitable trust registered with Charity Commissioner – Greater Mumbai Region, Maharashtra under the registration no. E9349 Mumbai.

Related : Vikash Trust VECT Scholarships Renewal 2016-17 :

Rules :
1. The applicant should fulfill a minimum standard of Graduation or equivalent of any recognized University/ Institution.
2. The applicant must have secured 60% or more marks in all the Board/ College/ University Examinations commencing from standard 10th onwards till recent last examination/ Special test etc.
3. Application should be made in prescribed form of Subhash Runwal Education Foundation only (No Xerox). Application Form available on our website.
4. Trustees may sanction such amount as they may deem fit on the basis of merits & relevant details and circumstances of individual case.
5. Applicant must arrange & give details and assurance that he / she has arranged / obtained at least 50% of the required TOTAL STUDY EXPENSES from other sources.
6. Applicant must have secured admission in a recognized college / institution for proposed studies. Certified Xerox Copy of such admission must be provided to Trust with the Application Form.
7. The applicant shall produce a certificate of good health and fitness from recognized medical practitioner / family doctor.
8. The applicant who has received financial assistance will have to compulsorily submit a certified copy of the progress report, marks etc. every six months till completion of course / study.
9. The applicant must inform the change in his/her COURSE, COLLEGE, ADDRESS, CONTACT, MOBILE NOS, E-mail, etc. immediately, as and when it occurs / happens.
10. After completion of study he / she must furnish all relevant details of job / income / employment, address, contact nos., E-mail etc to our office.
11. Trustees reserve rights to decide (a) Quantum and Terms of financial assistance amount or reject without giving reasons (b) Changes in rules & regulation in this regard, as & when necessary. Same shall be binding to all applicants (c) Date for acceptance of Applications, Interview calls etc.
12. Trustees reserve right to reject the application if not fully filled in correctly & properly with all required enclosures.
13. Submit complete application form duly signed along with forms A & B.

Documents Required:
(1) Ration Card
(2) Pan Card of Father/Guardian/earning members/and Self
(3) Electricity Bill of
Residence Last 2 Months
(4) Maintenance/Rent Receipt of House/Society
(5) Telephone Bills Last 2 Months
(6) Latest paid Fee receipt.
(7) Income Tax returns of last 2 years together with Computation of

Income, Capital Account and Balance Sheet of the earning members of the family or if not paying income tax, then last one year’s copy of bank accounts statement and Capital Account of earning members of the Family.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

View Comments (2)

  • I have successfully obtained my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from SJNB's College of Engineering. As a meritorious student, I have been granted admission for a Master's program in Germany. Fortunately, I have also been selected to receive free education. However, in order to cover my living expenses, it is required that I transfer an amount of 11,208 euros into a block account, which will be accessed upon my arrival in Germany. Due to the substantial sum of money involved, I have made attempts to secure educational loans from various institutions. Unfortunately, I have encountered obstacles such as collateral requirements and lengthy processing times, preventing me from applying to traditional banks. As a result, I am now seeking an education loan from the Jain Charitable Trusts. Given the magnitude of the loan amount, I kindly request your institution's assistance in determining the maximum loan amount possible. I appreciate your support and eagerly await your response. Thank you. Sincerely, Vardhaman Patwa.

  • I want to know about how much amount of scholarship you will give to me for my admission in private medical college. © 2022

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