highereducation.tripura.gov.in : UGC Ishan Uday Special Scholarship Scheme For North East Region 2016

Organization : Tripura Directorate of Higher Education
Scholarship Name : UGC Ishan Uday Special Scholarship Scheme For North East Region 2016
Applicable States/UTs : North East Region/ States
Application Last Date : 15/09/2016

Website : http://highereducation.tripura.gov.in/
Guidelines : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/10510-UDai.pdf
Apply Online : https://www.ugc.gov.in/

Ishan Uday Special Scholarship Scheme:

The Ministry of HRD and the University Grants Commission has taken special interest with regard to promotion of higher education in the NER.

Related : NSP UGC Ishan Uday Scholarship For North Eastern Region 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/29546.html

For improving the GER, promoting higher education and for encouraging children belonging to economically weaker section of the NE region, the UGC has decided to launch “Ishan Uday” Special Scholarship Scheme for North Eastern Region

1) Students with domicile of NER who have passed Class XII or equivalent exam from a school situated within NER through any recognized Board of Education, including Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), National institute of open Schooling (NIOS) within NER only, and have secured admission in general degree course, technical and professional courses including medical and para-medical courses (Integrated courses included) in Universities/Colleges/Institutions recognized by UGC under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, within and outside the States of NER.

2) For availing scholarship under this scheme, the income of the parents of the student should not exceed Rs.4.5 lakh per annum.

Selection Procedure:
UGC will award ten thousand (10,000) fresh scholarships per year. In case the number of applicants exceeds the number of scholarships available, the awardees will be selected on the basis of marks scored by them in the Class XII or equivalent exam.

Rate of Scholarship:
An amount of Rs.3500/- p.m. for General Degree courses and Rs. 5000/- p.m. for Technical & Professional courses (including Medical & Para medical courses) will be given through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to the beneficiary student

Duration of Scholarship & Renewal:
** The scholarship granted under the scheme will be kept renewed during the period of the first degree course, subject to good conduct and maintenance of prescribed attendance.
** Students failing to get promoted to the next class/level would get the scholarship in the following year,subject to the condition that if the student fails again for the second time, he/she would forfeit the scholarship and it would not be renewed for the remaining period of the course.
** If an awardee is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness and/or on account of any unforeseen event, the scholarship may be renewed for the next academic year on submission of medical certificate and other proof to the satisfaction of the Head of the Institution.

The students would submit all the following requisite documents duly forwarded by the Competent Authority (Registrar/Principal/Director) to the designated Bank branch/Disbursing agency authorized by the UGC.

1. Joining Proforma for fresh awardees (Annexure-I)
2. Proforma for renewal ( Annexure-II)
3. Certificate of income by the Competent Authority of the State Government
in which the student is domiciled.
4. Domicile State Certificate by the Competent Authority.
5. Quarterly Continuation certificate(Annexure-III)
6. Affidavit (Undertaking for not availing any other Scholarship in the form of an affidavit on Rs.50/- Stamp paper from the student/parent duly attested by SDM / First Class Magistrate / Gazetted Officer (not below the rank of Tahsildar) copying the prescribed languages (Annexure-IV))

Categories Tripura

View Comments (9)

  • I got selected for ishan uday under the year 2016-17 and awardee letter is also there with me. But when I go to bank, they told me to go to college and upload the document. Then from college I tried to register my college but unfortunately there is no registration page.(scholarship.canarabank.adminLogin.aspx)
    Now what should I do?
    Registration id : NET-TRI-GEN-2016-17-194326

    • You can use the below mentioned link to view the result :

  • My user ID of the session 2015-16 is showing invalid. That's why this year as a student of 2nd year, I couldn't complete my registration for renewal of my scholarship scheme. Please help me as fast as you can as the last date of online submission is 30-09-2016.

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