PETROGATE Academy Darcy’s & Vogel’s Scholarship 2016

Organization : PETROGATE Academy
Scholarship Name : PETROGATE Darcy’s & Vogel’s Scholarship 2016
Application Last Date : 30th September, 2016

Website : petrogate [dot] in


PETROGATE Academy has taken an initiative to reward promising Petrocrats and to ensure that money is not a constraint for those with a passion for learning. We, at PETROGATE Academy offer scholarships to meritorious students for pursuing classroom program, based on the eligibility and brilliance of the students.

Update :
PETROGATE Academy 2017-18 Admission Scholarships :

The scholarships have been divided into two categories:
Category A: PETROGATE Darcy’s Scholarship Scholarship Eligibility Code no. Tution fee wavier
1. GATE-2016 Qualified Students (AIR<=100) PGDS01 50%
2. GATE-2016 Qualified Students PGDS02 25%
3. Students with CPGA>=9.0 with no backlogs(B. Tech/ M. Tech) PGDS03 20%%
4. Students with CPGA>=8.0 &<9.0 with no backlogs(B. Tech/ M. Tech) PGDS04 10%
5. Students with XIIth marks >=95% (any board) PGDS05 20%
6. Students with XIIth marks >=85% &<95% (any board) PGDS06 10%
7. Students with Xth marks >=95% (any board) PGDS07 20%
8. Students with Xth marks >=90% &<95% (any board) PGDS08 10%

A student can avail any ONE of the PETROGATE Darcy’s scholarships, whichever is the higher.

Category B: PETROGATE Vogel’s Scholarships
To support and promote talent by nurturing exemplary students in one-to-one manner under the close supervision of Advisory Council and Directors to ensure top ranks in GATE-2017.

Cash Award for Internal Test Toppers: Scholarship Eligibility Code No. Cash Award
1. 1stranker PGVS01 Rs. 1000
2. 2ndranker PGVS02 Rs. 800
3. 3rdranker PGVS03 Rs. 500

Cash Award for Outstanding Performance in Internal Test:

S. No. Scholarship Eligibility Code No. Cash Award
1. Securing >=90% in internal test PGVS04 Rs. 2000
2. Securing >=85% &<90% in internal test PGVS05 Rs. 1500

A student can avail any ONE of the PETROGATE Vogel’s scholarships, whichever is the higher

Important Note:
** Studentseligible for any scholarship are required to submit the supporting document in original at the time of availing the scholarship.
** Scholarships are offered on Tuition fees only.
** All the above scholarships are applicable only for intensive classroom programs.
** Disbursement of scholarship will be done in August 2016 or 1 month from the date of Application (whichever is later) through Online transaction only.
** A student is eligible for only one scholarship at a time, No two criteria can be clubbed to avail deduction in fee at PETROGATE Academy.

Terms & Conditions:
PETROGATE Academy reserves the right to make any alteration or cancel any scholarship at any time at its sole discretion and no claim of any kind will be entertained in this matter. Scholarship of the student will be cancelled if he /she fails to fulfil the minimum requirements. In case of any disputes PETROGATE Academy decision will be final and no further discussions will be entertained.

How to Apply for Scholarship:
** Prescribed SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM is available on demand at PETROGATE Office.
** To avail the scholarship, student has to produce required documents in original along with the scholarship application form at the earliest
** Students for whom the Semester Result is awaited at the time of Admission can also apply for scholarship at later stage (before last date), if eligible.
** Last date to submit scholarship Application Form is 30th September, 2016. [No application for scholarship, thereafter shall be accepted in any case.

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  • I got 97% in 12th and got admission for Bsc maths in a govt. College. Their tuition fees are can I apply for this scholarship and if I applied will I get any benefit? © 2022

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