Scholarship Application 2016 PTKMSS : Pavagada Taluk Kshema

Organisation : PTKMSS Pavagada Taluk Kshemabhivruddhi Mattu Samskrutika Samsthe
Scholarship Name : Scholarship Application 2016
Applicable for : Students of Degree/ Professional courses

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Scholarship :

Every year, we send application forms to colleges inviting students to apply for scholarships. We also notify local newspapers regarding the applications.

Related : Chinmaya Education Cell Scholarship CECS 2016-17 :

Students can submit their applications directly to us or send the applications through their college.

The education sub-committee processes the applications and puts up recommendations to the Executive Committee. Executive Committee decides and communicates to the selected candidates. The scholarships are then handed out at a function organized by the PTKMSS.

We intend to give a few scholarships for the year 2016 (as is being done every year) to the poor and meritorious students of Pavagada talluk presently studying in First / second P.U.C., in any of the colleges in Pavagada Taluk.

A few Scholarships are also intended to be given to poor and meritorious students of Pavagada taluk studying in any Degree/ Professional courses, studying anywhere in the state.

1. Candidate should have scored more than 70% marks in the previous examination.
2. Application should be attested by the principal of the college in which the candidate is studying.
3. Candidate should furnish copy of marks card of previous examination. Candidate studying in 2nd P.U.C should also furnish copy of SSLC marks card .
4. There is no minimum marks limit for physically handicapped/challenged students, but they have to furnish copy of physically handicapped/challenged certificate.
5. Completely filled up applications can be sent either directly or through the college, so as to reach within 26-08-2016 to the following address.
6. All the scholarships are for Pavagada Talluk students only.
7. Incomplete and late applications are liable to be rejected.

The filled-up application should be sent to the following address….
Dr. Govindappa .D
# 58, 5th Cross, Maruthi Layout,
Hebbal Dasara Halli,
Bengaluru – 560 024
Ph: 96118 85658

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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  • I have applied for scholarship this year(i.e in the month of August). When will you issue scholarship this year? © 2022

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