Resonance ResoFAST 2017-18 Resonance’s Forward Admission & Scholarship Test FAST

Organisation : Resonance Eduventures Ltd.
Scholarship Exam : ResoFAST 2017-18 Resonance’s Forward Admission & Scholarship Test

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** FAST is Resonance’s Forward Admission & Scholarship Test.
** It will be held for the ‘advance’ admissions in Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes (YCCPs) of Resonance for the academic session 2017-18.

Related / Similar Post :
Resonance ResoFAST 2018-19

** The target from the YCCPs would be JEE (Main+Advanced), JEE(Main) & NEET / AIIMS.
** It will be held for the courses of Class – IX, X, XI, XII & XII-passed for the academic session 2017-18.
** It will be conducted for the students currently studying in Class – VIII, IX, X, XI & XII during academic session 2016-17.
** The ResoFAST would be mandatory for the courses at Resonance targeting JEE (Main + Advanced), JEE(Main), NEET / AIIMS.
** The ResoFAST would be mandatory for the courses at Resonance targeting JEE (Main) & NEET / AIIMS.

For these students, it will be ‘only’ a scholarship test for achieving ResoFAST-linked scholarship in tuition fee of our various YCCPs, & if they have not received the scholarship through any other criteria or want to improve/better an earlier ‘achieved/obtained’ scholarship; in that case only the ‘best of all’ scholarship shall be applicable.

** The courses shall be offered both in English & Hindi Medium (at Kota & Selected Study Centres only).

Eligibility Criteria :
Eligibility to enrol for/appear in ResoFAST
Sr. No. Class @ Resonance Academic Session Eligibility for ResoFAST

(Current Class) Academic Session Minimum % in Previous Class
1. Class-IX 2017-18 Class-VIII 2016-17 Open to all
2. Class-X 2017-18 Class-IX 2016-17 Open to all
3. Class-XI (All Courses) 2017-18 Class-X 2016-17 Open to all
4. Class-XII (All Courses) 2017-18 Class-XI 2016-17 Open to all
5. Class-XIII (All Courses) 2017-18 Class-XII 2016-17 Open to all

How to Enrol :
** Collect the Registration Form in following modes:
Offline: Resonance Study Centres across the country (on payment of requisite fee).
Online: Fill-up completely on website (payment Online).
Mixed: Fill-up online then take a print-out (payment to be done offline i.e. at the time of submission of filled-in Application Form).

** Fill-up the Registration Form with required details.

** Submit the Registration Form in the following modes:
Offline (by hand): At Resonance Study Centres (from where you have purchased the Admission Packet Form).
Offline (by post/courier): Dispatch to Resonance’s Head Office at Kota.
Online: On website alongwith requisite fee as mentioned above through Payment Gateway on website through Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking.

: Pay Online through Payment Gateway on website through Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking; print the receipt and submit at Resonance Study Centres or dispatch to Resonance Head Office at Kota along-with filled-in Application Form.

** Collect your ResoFAST-2017 Admit Card in the following modes:
Offline: From Resonance Study Centres (Where you have deposited the Registration form).
Online: Take the print-out from Website if the payment of Admission Packet Fee is paid online through payment Gateway.
The Admit Card shall be available one week before the test date.

** Appear in the ResoFAST as per schedule.
** Wait for the ResoFAST result as per schedule (on
** Deposit the Course Fee according to the result and as per fee deposition schedule.
** Attend the classes as per schedule & the details given in the Welcome Packet.

Contact us :
Resonance Eduventures Ltd.
CORPORATE OFFICE (New Campus): CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Rajasthan) – 324005

Reg. Office: J-2, Jawahar Nagar Main Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005 | Tel. No.: 0744-3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax : 022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029

STUDY CENTRES (Self Owned): Jaipur, Bhopal, New Delhi, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Raipur, Nagpur, Nanded, Mumbai, Udaipur, Ahmedabad, Patna, Jodhpur, Indore, Agra, Ranchi, Allahabad, Nashik, Aurangabad, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Chandrapur, Surat, Rajkot, Vadodara

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