South Indian Bank Scholarship 2016 SIB Scholar Scheme

Organisation : The South Indian Bank Ltd
Scholarship Name: SIB Scholar South Indian Bank Scholarship Scheme
Applicable State : Kerala
Last Date: 20th September 2016

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South Indian Bank Scholarship :

South Indian Bank has come up with the scholarship scheme “SIB Scholar” where we support a total of 42 students (3 students each from 14 districts of Kerala) to pursue their education.

Update : South Indian Bank SIB Scholarship Scheme 2019 :

Applications for scholarships are invited from students studying in Govt. /Aided colleges in the State of Kerala. The courses included under the scholarship are B.Tech/B.E, M.B.B.S, B.D.S, B.A.M.S, B.H.M.S, B.V.M.S, B.Pharm, B.Sc (Nursing), BSc (Agri) and other regular three years and above full time U.G. courses approved by Universities in Kerala only.

As part of the scholarship, Bank will pay/reimburse 100% of the tuition fees as per the fee structure for seats allotted in the Government quota in Govt. and Aided colleges.

A monthly allowance of Rs.4000/- towards hostel/subsistence cost will also be paid to the hostel authorities/SB account of the student for the entire duration of the regular course.

The backlog of the student in the course, if more than one year, will make the student ineligible for the scholarship. The students will have to submit the progress report as and when required by the bank.

** The students should be an Indian citizen and studying within Kerala.
** The student should have secured admission under Merit list during the Academic Year 2016-17 in the respective course.

** Students from BPL families/students having family income less than Rs. 1.00 lacs p.a. who have passed out of Govt. Schools having secured minimum 80% marks in 12th Standard Examination in the Academic Year 2015-16 are only eligible to apply.

** The decision on selection of eligible students and payment of the scholarship by the bank shall be final and binding on all concerned.

Applications received will be screened and if shortlisted the students will be called to Head office for an interaction with the selection committee before final selection. The following documents will have to be submitted by the applicant in original for verification along with a self-attested photocopy of the same.

** Mark list of the qualifying examination in original or copy of the original, duly attested by the Principal of the school, where the student had studied.
** Bonafide certificate from the College, confirming that the student is pursuing the same course as mentioned in the application for the scholarship.
** Fee structure of the course specifying the Tuition fee and periodicity of payment duly certified by the Principal of the college.
** Original Income Certificate of the parents/guardian, as on a recent date by Village Officer.
** Proof of address and two passport size photos.

** An undertaking will be taken from the students and their parents stating :
a. That they will not avail any educational loan.

b. Any other scholarship/financial assistance received from the State/Central Government/NGO/Other agencies would be informed to the Bank and the scholarship provided by the Bank will be proportionately reduced to that extent.

c. If the back log in the course is more than one year, the scholarship will be discontinued.

d. Copy of mark list may be submitted by the students to Head office as soon as the same is obtained or within 6 months of completion of previous exam, in the absence of which, the assistance will be kept in abeyance. The scholarship will be continued only after SIB is convinced about the delay.

Filled in applications should reach the Bank at The South Indian Bank Ltd, SIB House, P.B. No. 28, Planning and Development Department (CSR Cell), Thrissur, Kerala – 680001, on or before 20th September 2016. Kindly mention “SIB Scholar Application” on the envelope.

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