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All posts from 2016-17 Dr.Ambedkar Post Matric Scholarship SC/BC Portal Registration Punjab

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Organization : Department of Welfare of Scheduled Castes (SC) & Backward Classes (BC)
Scholarship Name : Dr Ambedkar Post Matric Scholarship Portal Registration 2016-17
Applicable For : SC/BC Students
Applicable State : Punjab
Portal Closes On : 10th December, 2016

Website : scholarships [dot] punjab [dot] gov[dot] in
Scholarship Schedule 2016-17 :

Punjab Dr Ambedkar Scholarship Portal

The state government has decided to commence Dr Ambedkar portal for post-matric scholarship for SC/BC students on August 25. Now, eligible candidates should only apply online for getting the scholarship.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Dr.Ambedkar Post Matric Scholarship 2017-18

Activity Schedule

** Opening of Portal 25 th August, 2016 9.00 AM
** The last date for submission of online applications by the students (Fresh & New cases) to the institutes – 30th Sept 2016
** The last date for institutes to send the online proposals to the approving authority (earlier named as sanctioning authority) 15 th Oct 2016
** The last date for the approving authority (earlier named as sanctioning authorities) to revert incomplete or temporary rejections to the institutes 30 th Oct 2016

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** The last date for Institute to forward complete cases after corrections to the approving authority (earlier named as sanctioning authorities) 15th Nov, 2016
** The last date for the approving authority (earlier named as sanctioning authorities) to send online proposals to sanctioning departments (earlier named as line department) for scholarship -25th Nov 2016
** The last date for sanctioning departments (earlier named as line departments) to send online proposals to Welfare Department for (upto 10.00 PM) scholarship – 10th december, 2016
** Portal will be close on 10th december, 2016 at 10.00 pm

About Portal

Welcome to the integrated e-Governance Portal for the automation, streamlining & effective management of processes related to application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students. This initiative is aimed to facilitate faster and efficient disposal of scholarship applications and timely payment of the scholarships to the students directly in their bank accounts.

Add a Comment
  1. If I want to get a Post Matric SC Scholarship 2016-17 list then from where I can get this list.

  2. I have lost my Login ID, Please assist me, what can I do now?

  3. There is an error in my last year scholarship application. How can I correct it?

  4. When will I get my scholarship?

  5. My application has been sanctioned. When will get the scholarship amount?

  6. I belong to OBC community. Am I eligible for this scholarship? Please let me know.

  7. When will I get my scholarship? I need my scholarship.

  8. When will I get my scholarship money?

  9. If any student apply for this scholarship at the time but not submitted record on limit time they submitted record later on the institute the what can institute do?

  10. If any student don’t apply for this scholarship at the time of application is there any alternative way to submit the form for this scholarship?

  11. I filled my form before last date but due to mistake I cant lock it. So please tell me as can I lock my form again.

  12. What is the last date for scholarship application?

  13. I had filled the form but my form is rejected due to mistake in application form. What can I do?

  14. This site is out of maintenance.

  15. I want scholarship.

  16. How can students whose user id and password if both are lost can apply by filling renewal form?

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