ONGC Scholarship to Meritorious Economically Backward General & OBC Students : Oil & Natural Gas Corporation

Organisation : Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited
Scholarship Name : ONGC Scholarship to Meritorious Economically Backward General and OBC Students
Last Date : 10th October 2016

Website :

ONGC Scholarship :

Scholarships to Meritorious Economically Backward General and OBC Students

Related / Similar Scholarship :
ONGC Scholarship to SC/ST 2016


Eligibility :
a. The scholarships are open for students studying in India and for Indian nationals only.

b. Student should be belonging to economically backward general and OBC categories pursuing 1st year of Graduate in Engineering or MBBS course or 1st year of Master’s Degree in Geology/Geophysics or MBA.

The scholarship scheme shall be admissible only for pursuing full time regular courses recognized by AICTE/UGC/Association of Indian Universities/MCI/State Government/Central Government.

c. Students pursuing four years Engineering/MBBS courses/Two years Masters courses in Business Administration and Two years Master’s Degree in Geology/Geophysics are only eligible.

d. Candidate should have obtained minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA/OGPA in 12th class for Engineering and MBBS disciplines. Similarly 60% marks (average marks of all the years) or equivalent CGPA/OGPA are necessary in graduation for P.G. Courses i.e. Geology/Geophysics/MBA. In case of CGPA/OGPA, conversion certificate from the College/University must be provided.

e. The specific zone for student shall be decided on the basis of the location of School/University/College/Institute in which the student was studying for the qualifying examination irrespective of the domicile of the student.

f. The gross joint family income of the student shall not exceed ` 2.0 lakhs (Rupees Two lakhs) per year from all sources. Income certificate must be issued from the Competent District Revenue Authority not below the rank of Tehsildar.

Translated copy of Income certificate is required in case the issued certificate is not in Hindi or English and should be duly certified by the legal authority.

g. The age limit of the applicant is maximum 30 years as on 1st September 2016 for the academic session.
h. The candidates should not availing or intend to avail any other financial assistance/scholarship assistance/scholarship from any other source.
i. The final list of the scholarship beneficiaries shall be posted on website by the end of December 2016.
j. The award of the scholarship shall not confer any right of employment with ONGC group of companies or its joint ventures.

1. The candidate fulfilling the above criteria may apply Online on ONGC’s website (under CSR section)
2. Date of start of online applications : 1st September 2016
3. Last date for online applications : 10th October 2016

4. Duly completed application form (application printout obtained after completion of online registration process) certified by Head/Principal/ Dean of the Institute/ College/University, along with all supporting documents (duly attested by Head/Principal/Dean of the Institute where the student is studying) must be received by post on or before 31.10.2016, as given below :
i) Mark sheet of qualifying exam (mandatory)
ii) CGPA to percentage conversion certificate issued by University/College/Institute (wherever applicable)
iii) Income certificate (mandatory)
iv) Caste certificate (wherever applicable)
v) BPL certificate (wherever applicable)
vi) ECS mandate form duly certified by Bank authority along with cancelled cheque/photocopy of front page of Bank pass book (mandatory)
vii) PAN card [PAN card would be required compulsorily before release of scholarship amount. Students may apply and obtain their PAN cards accordingly on priority.]
viii) AAdhaar card [AAdhaar card would be required compulsorily before release of scholarship amount. Students may apply and obtain their AAdhaar cards accordingly on priority]

Candidates must write “ONGC SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME FOR ECONOMICALLY BACKWARD GENERAL AND OBC CATEGORY STUDENTS” on the envelope. Application forms with all supporting documents needs to be sent to below address :
Post Box No-2091
Chennai- 600 020
Tamil Nadu (INDIA)

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