Pre & Post-Matric Scholarship SC Student 2016-17 : Assam Welfare of Scheduled Castes

Organisation : Directorate of Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Assam
Scholarship Name : Pre & Post-Matric Scholarship 2016-17
Applicable for : SC student
Applicable State : Assam
Last Date : 31st Sept/2016

Notification :
Application Form :
Website :

Pre & Post-Matric Scholarship :

It is for information that the following categories of scholarship of scheduled castes students will be released directly to the Bank Accounts of the eligible applicants by the Directorate of Welfare of S.C. Assam.

Related : Assam Secondary Education NMMS 2016-17 National Means Cum-Merit Scholarship :

Therefore it is requested that all eligible scheduled castes students should clearly indicate their Bank account Number with IFSC code and furnish the front page of passbook with their scholarship form and submit to their respective Educational Institution.

Scholarship are awarded to the following categories of S.C. student.
(i) Post-Matric Scholarship.
(ii) Pre-Matric Scholarship- Class-I to VIII.
(iii) Pre-Matric scholarship – Class IX to X.
(iv) Pre-Matric scholarship to children those engaged in unclean occupation involving cleaning and Prone to Health hazards (unclean) class I to X.

The scholarship forms may collect from the Directorate of Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Assam, for the session 2016-17 in the month of Aug/2016 by the concerned Project Director, ITDP’s and Sub-Divisional Welfare Offices and may be distributed the form to the Head of Institution immediately.

The Institution must submit the filled up scholarship form to the concerned P.D.ITDP’s & S.D.W. Office by 31st Sept/2016 positively. No. form will be provided after end of Sept/2016.

The P.D. ITDPs will be submitted Post Matric Scholarship Proposal & S.D.W.Offices will be submitted proposals for all Pre- Matric Scholarship Schemes mentioned (Sl. No. II to IV) for sanction of Scholarship. Within Oct/2016 without failed (both hard copy and soft copy) showing details of Account No./IFSC Code/ Name of Bank/Amount.

After Oct/2016 proposals will not be accepted by this Directorate for sanction. For more information visit our website

Categories Assam

View Comments (13)

  • I have applied for Post Matric Scholarship SC in 2017. OBC got their scholarship money But we didn't get till now. So we eagerly waiting for our SC scholarship to receive. If you can provide some information regarding our SC scholarship, it will very helpful for us.

  • I have applied for post matric scholarship for 2016-17 and I belong to SC. It has been released by 22nd September 2017 but I haven't received it into my bank account till now. Please inform me if anything went wrong.

  • I applied for post matric SC scholarship 2016-2017. When will you release this scholarship? I belong to a poor family. I want this scholarship soon. Please inform me about release date.

  • I belong to SC caste and I have applied for post matric scholarship. But I did not received any scholarship. Please help me.

    • This application should be submitted to the Project Director I.T.D.P. (Local) through the Head of the Institution. © 2022

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