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Nirankari Foundation 2016 Rajmata Scholarship Scheme :

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Organization : Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation
Scholarship Name : Nirankari Rajmata Scholarship Scheme 2016
Applicable For : Institute/College Students
Application Last Date : September 30, 2016

Website :

Nirankari Rajmata Scholarship Scheme :

Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation had earlier launched a Scholarship Scheme to provide Financial Assistance to Meritorious Students from the academic year 2014-15, on the basis of “Merit-Cum-Means”, to enable them to pursue Professional and Technical Courses at Graduate and Post-Graduate levels to excel in their life.

Update : Nirankari Foundation SNCF 2019-20 Rajmata Scholarship :

The scheme has evolved an objective and transparent mechanism to assist the eligible, meritorious and needy students. The Scholarship Scheme has been named as “NIRANKARI RAJMATA SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME” from the Academic Year 2015–16.

Eligibility Criteria / Conditions:
1. The applicant should be a regular student of any recognized University / Educational Institution of India, admitted through a competitive written test.
2. The income of the family from all sources, to which the applicant belongs to, should not be more than Rs.3.50 lacs per annum.

3. The applicant/applicant’s family should submit latest pay slips and I.T.R of all the earning family members or a family Income Certificate issued by the SDM or any other officer authorized in this behalf by the Revenue Department indicating that the total annual income of the family is not more than Rs. 3.50 lakhs. The date of issue of Income Certificate should not be more than three months prior to the date of submission of application.

4. Following students/applicants shall not be eligible for grant of financial assistance under this Scholarship scheme:
(a) The students who have taken admission through the Management Quota Scheme of the University / Educational Institution.
(b) The students who have the status of failure in any of the subjects in any of the previous semesters/years.
(c) The applicant detained in any semester/year examination due to shortage of attendance.
(d) The applicant penalized by the University or the Institutes for any act of indiscipline during the course.
(e) The students who have taken scholarship from any other source.
(f) No scholarship will be given for pursuing courses through Correspondence or Distance Education.

The applicants are required to submit application on prescribed format of SNCF alongwith all requisite documents. The application complete in all respect can also be submitted online through E-Mail Id

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Documents Required:

(a) Duly filled-in and affixed photographed application form on the prescribed format for each academic year.
(b) A copy of latest pay slip and I.T. Returns of all the earning members of the family. or Copy of the family Income Certificate issued by the Area SDM.
(c) The Admission Slip/letter by which the applicant has been offered admission by the University/Educational Institution.
(d) Mark Sheets of all previous academic qualifications, starting from class-X.
(e) Certificates of Class X and XII examination.
(f) Copy of results of all semesters’ examinations passed.
(g) Copy of latest fee receipts issued by the University/Institutes.
(h) Details of the fee including Tuition Fee, Library, Hostel, Books etc. duly signed by the Principal/Administrator of the Institute may be attached with the application.
(i) A certificate by the institution stating that the candidate will not/has not been granted scholarship under any scheme of other private organization or religious or spiritual organization or Government authorities, has not taken admission through Management Quota or any other Quota and also confirm that his/her family income from all sources does not exceed Rs.3.50 lakhs per annum.
(j) Copy of Ration Card / Aadhar Card / Voter I-Card / Pass-Port / Pan-Card or any other residence proof.
(k) Statement of Bank Account of the father/mother/self for the last six months.

Note: All the documents, testimonials submitted with the application form should be self-attested.

Submission Of Application Form:
(a) Duly filled-in application form with all the requisite documents should be submitted to the Member Incharge, Education Department, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation on or before the closing date for submission of applications viz September 30, 2016.

No application will be received after this date. The list of applicants who have been approved for financial assistance by the Competent Authority under this scheme shall be notified on the Website of SNCF by 31.10.2016. Till then, no query or reminder please.

(b) No column of the form should be left blank.
(c) The Education Department, shall submit annual requirement of funds to Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation. After approval of the same, the Education Committee will pick up the most deserving candidates within the sanctioned budget every year. Cheques to successful candidates will be distributed by 31.12.2016.

Procedure For Consideration Of Application:
(a) The applicants and their guardians may be called to appear before the Education Committee as per the schedule and venue notified on the website of Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation.
(i) The applicant, if so required will have to produce the documents in original based on which the eligibility for claim of financial assistance is made.
(ii) If so, the applicant should also carry a self-attested copy of all the documents based on which the eligibility and the request for grant of financial assistance is made.

(b) The applicants and their parents, who do not appear before the committee on scheduled date and time, will forfeit their claim of financial assistance. No request for personal appearance before committee will be considered after the scheduled date except those who have obtained prior approval from the Member Incharge, Education Department, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation due to exigencies, if any.

(c) The list of applicants who have been approved for financial assistance by the Competent Authority under this scheme shall be notified on the Website of SNCF.
(d) All the applicants, who apply under this scheme, are advised to access the website on regular intervals for updates.

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  1. What does prescribed format of SNCF mean?

  2. In which site there is an application form?

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